Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m still a kid at heart. I recently purchased a DVD of the motion picture TRANSFORMERS™ and excitedly brought it home to my wife for our weekly date night. She wasn’t impressed. Apparently she doesn’t share my appreciation for intergalactic space robots with the power to transform themselves into really cool cars (and trucks, and jets…) – go figure?
As I watched the movie (alone) I thought about how cool it would be to transform from a youth pastor into a vintage ‘68 Camaro...“yeah, that would be sweet.”
Later that night I came to the realization that I’d already had a real life encounter with a genuine transformer. As a teenager I entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and he has been transforming me ever since.
Transforming me from sinner to saint, from selfish to selfless, from Christ-doubter to Christ-follower. Sure I’m still a work in progress, but as I look back, it is amazing to see the process of transformation that has taken place in my life.
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